
Top vegetables to grow indoors

Top vegetables to grow indoors

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Asked  a year ago
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Growing vegetables is very appealing but for some people (like me) it might not be feasible due to lack of space or harsh weather. So, I would like to here your opnion on top vegetables to grow indoors.

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Growing indoors means you have everything at your hand available. It keeps your house green and you can proudly boast about it in front of your friends when you serve them dishes from these home-grown indoor vegetables.

How to start Growing Vegetables Indoors

The very first thing you’ll need is a container to grow your Indoor vegetables into. The size of the container will be according to the roots and size of your fully grown plant.

You can DIY your own container by repurposing storage bins or old plastic tubs, anything as long it doesn’t degrade and has a hole for proper drainage. Place a dish, saucer or something beneath so the excess drainage is captured and the place doesn’t get dirty.

For soil us indoor potting soil because it is specially formulated to help plants grow in indoor conditions or you can mix according to this recipe:

The biggest challenge growing plant indoors is the lack of light. If you have good amount of sunlight pouring in than that’s a relief but if not, supplement with grow lights. Vegetables need at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day.

Water your plant less because the soil will not dry out more quickly than it does outdoors. Don't over water and mist the plant with spray bottle once in a while to keep them fresh.

The best thing about growing vegetables indoor is that you can grow them all year-round. It doesn’t matter whether it is snowing or sun fire heat outside.

Also, do try regrowing green onions, lettuce, and celery from scraps.

10 Best Vegetables to Grow Indoors

These are the top vegetables that have proven successful indoors:


Use a large pot for growing potatoes. Cut up potato’s sprouted eyes and insert them in soil. They'll need sunlight too to make food and store it in tubers.


Tomatoes love warm temperatures. They'll need lots of light. There are many smaller varieties that’ll do better indoors.


For growing carrots you’ll need a deeper pot. Their top green doesn’t grow wide though. Thew grow in winters so they’ll thrive at 60 F. give them plenty of sunlight.


Radishes are also quick growers. Only in 30 to 40 days you’ll have your harvest. Make sure to pick a big pot and the plantlings are not too crowded.

5.Hot Peppers

Peppers will need a lot of sunlight and pot them in a container that's at least eight inches tall. Don’t let the cold get them. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.


They need lots of sunshine too. Some of the top herbs are chives, parsley, cilantro, oregano, mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme.

7.Green Onions/Scallions

They don’t require much sunlight and can easily be grown indoors. simply replant the root end of the green onions after using the top or grow them in water.

8.Leafy Salad Greens

These leafy greens are the quickest of the vegetables that can easily be grown indoors. Leafy greens include spinach, kale, and arugula. Give them plenty of sunlight.


Microgreens are small but they are full of nutrients and plus they are so easy to grow even with little light. You sow the seeds, let them germinate and when the leafling is 2-3 weeks old, harvest them. They are so tasty in sandwiches.


Yea we know that they are not a vegetable but in culinary definition they are. They are very easy to grow and do not need much sunlight. You can even grow them on coffee grounds and tea bags.

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1. Green onions

It is believed that growing green onions is very easy. To do this, you need a pot, plywood to fit the pot, an onion and water. In the plywood sheet, you need to cut holes in the diameter of the bulbs. Pour some water into the pot (or glass), fix the onion in the holes of the plywood and connect the entire structure. It is worth noting that the roots of the bulb should barely touch the water (so that there is no rotting). The water needs to be changed every week.

2. Dill

Dill is also easy to care for. Pour dill seeds into a pot with earth and sprinkle some earth on top. You need to water in moderation, because this plant does not like high humidity. But it loves sunlight, however, you should not leave the plant on the balcony, if in the daytime there is like in a stove. It is also worth noting that before planting, the seeds can be soaked in warm water for better germination.

3. Parsley

It is no longer as easy to grow it as green onions or dill, however, it is not so difficult, it just takes more effort. So, before sowing parsley seeds, they should be soaked for half an hour. Better to wrap the seeds in several layers of gauze. Then you can plant in a pot and provide the plant with light. After the seeds sprout, the greens need to be thinned out - the distance between the shoots should be about 4 cm. When the parsley grows, do not immediately pick off all the leaves. Over time, it will regrow its leaves, so it is worth leaving a little.

4. Spinach

This plant loves a lot of light and warmth, so it is better not to put flowerpots with seeds in the shade, but immediately on the windowsill or balcony. Before sowing, spinach seeds should be soaked for several days. Then you need to put in a pot of earth at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Water the plant abundantly both before and after germination.

5. Basil

The easiest way to grow basil is to use a pre-made plant stem. It is enough to put it in water and after five days the roots will appear. After that, plant the plant in a pot and water it regularly, sprinkling the leaves with water. When there are about six leaves, you need to cut off the top of the basil so that it begins to bush.

6. Pepper

To grow peppers in an apartment, it is recommended to use a special soil enriched with trace elements. The seeds should be planted in small pots and covered with cling film. When the first shoots appear, several small punctures need to be made in the film. Once the peppers are strong enough, they can be transplanted into large pots or buckets. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the spine. In the future, peppers can be watered every day and must be protected from direct sunlight.

7. Carrot

Carrots also grow well on the windowsill. For its home cultivation, it is better to take mini-varieties such as "Parmex", "Sophie", "Granddaughter" or "Round baby". Such varieties do not give large fruits, therefore they will take less space in your mini-garden. If there is no special container for growing carrots, you can use regular plastic bottles, in which the top is cut and drain holes are made at the bottom. The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained, the air temperature should be within + 13 ° ... + 24 ° C.

8. Cucumbers

Self-sowing cucumber varieties grow well at home. Before sowing cucumbers, the seeds should be held in a weak saline solution and those that float should be discarded. Soak suitable seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After that, the seeds must be washed on wet gauze and planted in the ground under a film. When the seedlings come up and grow, they can be planted in large containers, about 6 liters. Water the cucumbers with warm water daily and build a grate so that the plant can weave.

9. Cherry tomatoes

The soil, as in the case of pepper, is more convenient to buy ready-made. The seeds are buried to a depth of 1.5 cm, the pots are covered with cling film. When the tomatoes are ripe, they need to be transplanted into large containers. The plant should receive uniform lighting. To do this, the pots must be regularly turned towards the window. Water should be done carefully so as not to flood the plant. It is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time and feed it with mineral fertilizers.

10. Radish

It is recommended to plant radishes in wooden or clay pots. The seeds can be tested before planting, like cucumbers. Then they need to be buried to a depth of 1-3 cm in loose soil and covered with foil. When shoots appear, the plant can be placed for two to three days in a lower temperature regime - about +15 ° C for hardening. Five days after the appearance of the first shoots, organic feeding is done, and two weeks later - mineral feeding. Water the radish abundantly as it dries and protect it from dry air.

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1. carrot

2. raddish

3. Spinach plant

4. Fenugreek

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Raising a garden offers many benefits to the gardener.

It is much healthier to grow your own food. You are fully aware of what has gone into the product and know what you are eating.

A vegetable garden also saves a lot of money.

Many are intimidated to take on the task, but starting a garden can be simple if you grow the right crops. There are many that yield a great product and don’t require a ton of work.

To encourage you to start with this very rewarding task, down below is a list of the easiest vegetables to grow so that anyone can have success.

1. Lettuce

The seeds can be found at most any general store and are very inexpensive. Lettuce is a cool weather plant so it can be planted in early spring or fall. Lettuce seedlings can actually handle a little bit of frost. As long as the temperatures don’t dip below 45 degrees Fahrenheit then the plants should do just fine.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a very easy crop to grow and deserves a top spot in the easiest vegetables to grow list. It is much like growing loose leaf lettuce. You will need to plant it in well-drained soil with compost. It can be planted in full sun or light shade. It is best to direct sow spinach

3. Green Beans

simple plant to grow with an abundant harvest. They are another plant that you will need to direct sow.

4. Cucumbers

Cucumbers can be planted directly into the ground, started indoors three weeks before planting, or you may purchase cucumber seedlings at your local nursery.

5. Root Vegetables: Radishes and Carrots

Root vegetables are usually pretty easy to grow. Radishes and carrots are the easiest vegetables of them. I love to grow these vegetables because again, they can be directly sown into the ground or grown in a container.

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Grow these sweet onions then add them to dishes like dill scallion dip, scallion baked beans, or scallion breaded chicken cutlets. Scallions are great for gardening beginners because they're easy to care for and don't need as much sunlight as some other veggies.


"Radishes are known to do quite well indoors," Miracle-Gro research specialist Ashleigh Lemon tells CountryLiving.com. This root veggie won't need a ton of light, but it will need a deep enough container large to house the growing bulbs.


Not only are microgreens incredibly easy to grow, they're super healthy, too. In fact, microgreens are packed with up to 40 times more vitamins and nutrients than fully grown veggies and plants. (We recommend using them to top sandwiches and salads!) Start with a tasty mix of baby kale, beets, and arugula, and you'll have your first harvest just 2-3 weeks later.


Herbs grow really well inside, just be sure they're not too close to a window during the winter months (the cold air may cause wilting). Take your pick from these foolproof options: basil, rosemary, cilantro, chives, thyme, oregano, and parsley.


These versatile crops can be grown in fuss-free planter pouches, though they'll need a lot of light once they're established. You'll also need to carve out quite a bit of space for 'em since they can grow pretty big.


"Leafy greens and lettuce will do well indoors year-round," Ashleigh says. "But good drainage is key." Spinach doesn’t like to be surrounded by moisture, so make sure you grow your greens in a well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes. You'll want to use an indoor potting mix, which ensures both proper drainage and air exposure for the roots.


It can be tricky to get tomatoes and other fruits to perform well indoors, which is why it's best to start them indoors and then move them outside once it's warm enough. Or, you can grow them with some help from growing lights or a hydroponic system (Root Farm offers both and is great for novice gardeners). Your tomatoes will need 8-10 hours of sunlight each day. You'll also want to choose a compact variety to ensure they don't take up too much space in your kitchen.


You can grow these sweet treats in pots or hanging planters year-round, though you'll have to make sure they have access to plenty of sunlight. "Similar to tomatoes, enough light and good drainage is a must," Ashleigh says. You may also want to consider growing lights or a hydroponic system for these berries, too.

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1. Carrots.

Everyone has containers at home, but did you know that you can use that container to get some products of your own? Yes, I say it again your produce. One of the easiest vegetables to grow in a container is carrots. All you need is to make sure the seeds are planted in a that is deep enough for the variety of carrots that you may have chosen.

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Top vegetables to grow indoors

Top vegetables to grow indoors

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Single winner
Asked  a year ago
Viewed  0 times

Growing vegetables is very appealing but for some people (like me) it might not be feasible due to lack of space or harsh weather. So, I would like to here your opnion on top vegetables to grow indoors.

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Growing indoors means you have everything at your hand available. It keeps your house green and you can proudly boast about it in front of your friends when you serve them dishes from these home-grown indoor vegetables.

How to start Growing Vegetables Indoors

The very first thing you’ll need is a container to grow your Indoor vegetables into. The size of the container will be according to the roots and size of your fully grown plant.

You can DIY your own container by repurposing storage bins or old plastic tubs, anything as long it doesn’t degrade and has a hole for proper drainage. Place a dish, saucer or something beneath so the excess drainage is captured and the place doesn’t get dirty.

For soil us indoor potting soil because it is specially formulated to help plants grow in indoor conditions or you can mix according to this recipe:

The biggest challenge growing plant indoors is the lack of light. If you have good amount of sunlight pouring in than that’s a relief but if not, supplement with grow lights. Vegetables need at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day.

Water your plant less because the soil will not dry out more quickly than it does outdoors. Don't over water and mist the plant with spray bottle once in a while to keep them fresh.

The best thing about growing vegetables indoor is that you can grow them all year-round. It doesn’t matter whether it is snowing or sun fire heat outside.

Also, do try regrowing green onions, lettuce, and celery from scraps.

10 Best Vegetables to Grow Indoors

These are the top vegetables that have proven successful indoors:


Use a large pot for growing potatoes. Cut up potato’s sprouted eyes and insert them in soil. They'll need sunlight too to make food and store it in tubers.


Tomatoes love warm temperatures. They'll need lots of light. There are many smaller varieties that’ll do better indoors.


For growing carrots you’ll need a deeper pot. Their top green doesn’t grow wide though. Thew grow in winters so they’ll thrive at 60 F. give them plenty of sunlight.


Radishes are also quick growers. Only in 30 to 40 days you’ll have your harvest. Make sure to pick a big pot and the plantlings are not too crowded.

5.Hot Peppers

Peppers will need a lot of sunlight and pot them in a container that's at least eight inches tall. Don’t let the cold get them. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.


They need lots of sunshine too. Some of the top herbs are chives, parsley, cilantro, oregano, mint, rosemary, sage, and thyme.

7.Green Onions/Scallions

They don’t require much sunlight and can easily be grown indoors. simply replant the root end of the green onions after using the top or grow them in water.

8.Leafy Salad Greens

These leafy greens are the quickest of the vegetables that can easily be grown indoors. Leafy greens include spinach, kale, and arugula. Give them plenty of sunlight.


Microgreens are small but they are full of nutrients and plus they are so easy to grow even with little light. You sow the seeds, let them germinate and when the leafling is 2-3 weeks old, harvest them. They are so tasty in sandwiches.


Yea we know that they are not a vegetable but in culinary definition they are. They are very easy to grow and do not need much sunlight. You can even grow them on coffee grounds and tea bags.

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1. Green onions

It is believed that growing green onions is very easy. To do this, you need a pot, plywood to fit the pot, an onion and water. In the plywood sheet, you need to cut holes in the diameter of the bulbs. Pour some water into the pot (or glass), fix the onion in the holes of the plywood and connect the entire structure. It is worth noting that the roots of the bulb should barely touch the water (so that there is no rotting). The water needs to be changed every week.

2. Dill

Dill is also easy to care for. Pour dill seeds into a pot with earth and sprinkle some earth on top. You need to water in moderation, because this plant does not like high humidity. But it loves sunlight, however, you should not leave the plant on the balcony, if in the daytime there is like in a stove. It is also worth noting that before planting, the seeds can be soaked in warm water for better germination.

3. Parsley

It is no longer as easy to grow it as green onions or dill, however, it is not so difficult, it just takes more effort. So, before sowing parsley seeds, they should be soaked for half an hour. Better to wrap the seeds in several layers of gauze. Then you can plant in a pot and provide the plant with light. After the seeds sprout, the greens need to be thinned out - the distance between the shoots should be about 4 cm. When the parsley grows, do not immediately pick off all the leaves. Over time, it will regrow its leaves, so it is worth leaving a little.

4. Spinach

This plant loves a lot of light and warmth, so it is better not to put flowerpots with seeds in the shade, but immediately on the windowsill or balcony. Before sowing, spinach seeds should be soaked for several days. Then you need to put in a pot of earth at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Water the plant abundantly both before and after germination.

5. Basil

The easiest way to grow basil is to use a pre-made plant stem. It is enough to put it in water and after five days the roots will appear. After that, plant the plant in a pot and water it regularly, sprinkling the leaves with water. When there are about six leaves, you need to cut off the top of the basil so that it begins to bush.

6. Pepper

To grow peppers in an apartment, it is recommended to use a special soil enriched with trace elements. The seeds should be planted in small pots and covered with cling film. When the first shoots appear, several small punctures need to be made in the film. Once the peppers are strong enough, they can be transplanted into large pots or buckets. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the spine. In the future, peppers can be watered every day and must be protected from direct sunlight.

7. Carrot

Carrots also grow well on the windowsill. For its home cultivation, it is better to take mini-varieties such as "Parmex", "Sophie", "Granddaughter" or "Round baby". Such varieties do not give large fruits, therefore they will take less space in your mini-garden. If there is no special container for growing carrots, you can use regular plastic bottles, in which the top is cut and drain holes are made at the bottom. The soil for carrots should be light and well-drained, the air temperature should be within + 13 ° ... + 24 ° C.

8. Cucumbers

Self-sowing cucumber varieties grow well at home. Before sowing cucumbers, the seeds should be held in a weak saline solution and those that float should be discarded. Soak suitable seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After that, the seeds must be washed on wet gauze and planted in the ground under a film. When the seedlings come up and grow, they can be planted in large containers, about 6 liters. Water the cucumbers with warm water daily and build a grate so that the plant can weave.

9. Cherry tomatoes

The soil, as in the case of pepper, is more convenient to buy ready-made. The seeds are buried to a depth of 1.5 cm, the pots are covered with cling film. When the tomatoes are ripe, they need to be transplanted into large containers. The plant should receive uniform lighting. To do this, the pots must be regularly turned towards the window. Water should be done carefully so as not to flood the plant. It is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time and feed it with mineral fertilizers.

10. Radish

It is recommended to plant radishes in wooden or clay pots. The seeds can be tested before planting, like cucumbers. Then they need to be buried to a depth of 1-3 cm in loose soil and covered with foil. When shoots appear, the plant can be placed for two to three days in a lower temperature regime - about +15 ° C for hardening. Five days after the appearance of the first shoots, organic feeding is done, and two weeks later - mineral feeding. Water the radish abundantly as it dries and protect it from dry air.

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1. carrot

2. raddish

3. Spinach plant

4. Fenugreek

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Raising a garden offers many benefits to the gardener.

It is much healthier to grow your own food. You are fully aware of what has gone into the product and know what you are eating.

A vegetable garden also saves a lot of money.

Many are intimidated to take on the task, but starting a garden can be simple if you grow the right crops. There are many that yield a great product and don’t require a ton of work.

To encourage you to start with this very rewarding task, down below is a list of the easiest vegetables to grow so that anyone can have success.

1. Lettuce

The seeds can be found at most any general store and are very inexpensive. Lettuce is a cool weather plant so it can be planted in early spring or fall. Lettuce seedlings can actually handle a little bit of frost. As long as the temperatures don’t dip below 45 degrees Fahrenheit then the plants should do just fine.

2. Spinach

Spinach is a very easy crop to grow and deserves a top spot in the easiest vegetables to grow list. It is much like growing loose leaf lettuce. You will need to plant it in well-drained soil with compost. It can be planted in full sun or light shade. It is best to direct sow spinach

3. Green Beans

simple plant to grow with an abundant harvest. They are another plant that you will need to direct sow.

4. Cucumbers

Cucumbers can be planted directly into the ground, started indoors three weeks before planting, or you may purchase cucumber seedlings at your local nursery.

5. Root Vegetables: Radishes and Carrots

Root vegetables are usually pretty easy to grow. Radishes and carrots are the easiest vegetables of them. I love to grow these vegetables because again, they can be directly sown into the ground or grown in a container.

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Grow these sweet onions then add them to dishes like dill scallion dip, scallion baked beans, or scallion breaded chicken cutlets. Scallions are great for gardening beginners because they're easy to care for and don't need as much sunlight as some other veggies.


"Radishes are known to do quite well indoors," Miracle-Gro research specialist Ashleigh Lemon tells CountryLiving.com. This root veggie won't need a ton of light, but it will need a deep enough container large to house the growing bulbs.


Not only are microgreens incredibly easy to grow, they're super healthy, too. In fact, microgreens are packed with up to 40 times more vitamins and nutrients than fully grown veggies and plants. (We recommend using them to top sandwiches and salads!) Start with a tasty mix of baby kale, beets, and arugula, and you'll have your first harvest just 2-3 weeks later.


Herbs grow really well inside, just be sure they're not too close to a window during the winter months (the cold air may cause wilting). Take your pick from these foolproof options: basil, rosemary, cilantro, chives, thyme, oregano, and parsley.


These versatile crops can be grown in fuss-free planter pouches, though they'll need a lot of light once they're established. You'll also need to carve out quite a bit of space for 'em since they can grow pretty big.


"Leafy greens and lettuce will do well indoors year-round," Ashleigh says. "But good drainage is key." Spinach doesn’t like to be surrounded by moisture, so make sure you grow your greens in a well-draining soil in a pot with drainage holes. You'll want to use an indoor potting mix, which ensures both proper drainage and air exposure for the roots.


It can be tricky to get tomatoes and other fruits to perform well indoors, which is why it's best to start them indoors and then move them outside once it's warm enough. Or, you can grow them with some help from growing lights or a hydroponic system (Root Farm offers both and is great for novice gardeners). Your tomatoes will need 8-10 hours of sunlight each day. You'll also want to choose a compact variety to ensure they don't take up too much space in your kitchen.


You can grow these sweet treats in pots or hanging planters year-round, though you'll have to make sure they have access to plenty of sunlight. "Similar to tomatoes, enough light and good drainage is a must," Ashleigh says. You may also want to consider growing lights or a hydroponic system for these berries, too.

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1. Carrots.

Everyone has containers at home, but did you know that you can use that container to get some products of your own? Yes, I say it again your produce. One of the easiest vegetables to grow in a container is carrots. All you need is to make sure the seeds are planted in a that is deep enough for the variety of carrots that you may have chosen.

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